
Effect of artificial reefs construction on biological connectivity of Charybdis japonica in Juehua Island, Bohai Sea

  • 摘要: 人工鱼礁在改善局部海底流场、提升庇护场所、聚鱼增产、增加生物栖息地等方面发挥着重要作用,为评估觉华岛海域人工鱼礁的生态修复效果,筛选出10对微卫星引物对觉华岛海域自然岩礁1、自然岩礁2、人工鱼礁、海草床、泥沙底质5个典型生态系统的日本蟳进行遗传多样性与生物连通性评估.结果表明:10个位点在5个群体中有效等位基因数Ne为2.94~17.72个,观测杂合度Ho和期望杂合度He分别为0.30~0.82和0.67~0.95;不同生态系统日本蟳遗传多样性均处于较高水平,有效等位基因数Ne为6.06~7.45,观测杂合度Ho为0.64~0.74,期望杂合度He为0.85~0.88,Shannon信息指数I平均值为1.95±0.07,多态信息含量PIC均较高,平均值为(80.03±1.31)%;10个日本蟳微卫星位点的F-统计量(FISFITFST)平均值分别为0.207±0.156、0.240±0.152、0.050±0.013,遗传分化的近交程度不同;不同生态系统间日本蟳遗传分化系数FST为0.001~0.026,所有成对生态系统日本蟳的遗传分化均较小(FST<0.05);两两生态系统日本蟳的基因流为9.410~567.932,均>1,不同生态系统间日本蟳基因交流水平高,存在极强的生物连通,其中海草床、自然岩礁和人工鱼礁等生态系统间生物连通性极高,泥沙底质与其他生态系统日本蟳的连通程度相对较低.印证了人工鱼礁具有良好的生境修复和资源养护效果.


    Abstract: Artificial reefs improve the hydrodynamics at sea bottom, providing shelter and stepping stones for marine species, and facilitate fish attraction/production. In this work, 10 pairs of microsatellite primers were selected to evaluate the effect of artificial reefs on genetic diversity and biological connectivity of Charybdis japonica in Juehua Island, Bohai Sea. Charybdis japonica samples were taken from five communities of seagrass-beds, two natural reefs, sand sediments, and artificial reefs ecosystem. The effective alleles Ne of the 10 loci was 2.94-17.72, the observed heterozygosity Ho and expected heterozygosity He were 0.30-0.82 and 0.67-0.95, respectively. Genetic diversity of Charybdis japonica from various ecosystems was high, the effective allele number Ne was 6.06-7.45, observed heterozygosity Ho ranged from 0.64 to 0.74, expected heterozygosity He was from 0.85 to 0.88. The mean Shannon information index was 1.95 ± 0.07, and polymorphism information content PIC from all ecosystems was (80.03 ± 1.31)%. Average F-statistics (FIS, FIT, FST) of the 10 microsatellite loci of Charybdis japonica were 0.207 ± 0.156, 0.240 ± 0.152, and 0.050 ± 0.013, respectively, indicating different inbreeding degree of genetic differentiation. FST values of Charybdis japonica among various ecosystems ranged from 0.001 to 0.026, the genetic differentiation in Charybdis japonica of all the paired ecosystems was small (FST < 0.05). The gene flow of Charybdis japonica was from 9.410 to 567.932, much greater than 1. The level of gene exchange in Charybdis japonica among different ecosystems was high, showing strong biological connectivity. The biological connectivity among seagrass-beds, natural reefs and artificial reefs was very high, but that of the sand sediment with other ecosystems was low. This verified that artificial reefs have beneficial effects for habitat restoration and resource conservation.


