
To establish a resilience evaluation index system of water affairs in Beijing based on AHP and entropy weight methods

  • 摘要: 在明确水务韧性内涵的基础上,构建韧性评价框架;基于实际调查、专家咨询等方法,通过筛选、优化,构建包括目标层、准则层和指标层共15项指标的北京水务韧性评价指标体系,综合反映水务韧性状况;采用AHP与熵权法相结合计算综合权重,量化评价水务韧性.结果表明:现状2022年水务韧性评价得分为88.04,等级为中高;规划年2025年水务韧性水平逐年提升,与北京市城市韧性总体评价变化趋势一致.在此基础上,进一步提出水务韧性提升建议.研究成果为北京韧性城市水务方面的规划建设提供决策参考.


    Abstract: With accelerated urbanization and climate changes, a new paradigm of urban security development is to establish resilient cities. As important infrastructure in the construction of resilient cities, water affairs play an increasingly important role in disaster prevention and reduction. An evaluation framework is constructed based on the definition of water resilience. On-site investigation, expert consultation and other methods are used to establish the Beijing urban water resilience evaluation index system (with 15 indicators, including target layer, criterion layer and index layer), to comprehensively reflect the water resilience status. AHP and entropy weight methods are used to calculate the comprehensive weight for evaluation of Beijing water resilience. These data show that current evaluation score of water resilience in 2022 is 88.04, and the resilience level will increase year by year until 2025, consistent with the overall evaluation trend. Suggestions are made to further improve the water resilience. This work will provide decision-making reference for planning and construction of resilient city in Beijing.


